Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Benign Trivialities

Call it what you will--1st world problems, benign trivialities, minor irritations--but they are still anger-inducing and cause great distress. My car got reared into by a Malaysian cab driver when I took my in-laws to JB. I experienced terrible customer service from an electronics store that gave me wrong labels for free gifts and wouldn't pick up my calls, and I couldn't do anything at the redemption center, which was a 20-minute drive away from home. I have numerous defects in my new home that require laborers to come in and rectify.

And of course, with a new home, comes all the relevant paper work to keep the machine running. Bills, taxes, groceries, insurance, conservancy charges keep coming at me. Unpaid (and yet unclaimed) expenses from the renovation come back to haunt me.

"This is nothing, you're being soft."

This, and a night of worship coming up on Saturday, with no time to practice because I have papers to submit, which I have no time to write because I'm handling all this nonsense. And the noise from renovation in the units that surround mine.

I happened to glance at an Instagram feed of an "internet guitar star". Yes, power chords and sloppy lead guitar playing can get you multiple endorsements, a towering 3-storey house, a wife and 3 kids.

Lord, this is so unfair.

At least, that's what my heart is crying out. But I know that for every trivial rant I put up here, there are a thousand legitimate problems people go through that are unnoticed, and they're genuinely struggling. Yes, I know. It's unfair that I get to rant about "1st-world problems".

Lord, help calm my anger with the Holy Spirit's presence. Transform my anger into thanksgiving and praise.


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